In My Dreariness, I Installed Cloud Foundry and extended it with Iron Foundry


I put together a video late last night based on setting up a Cloud Foundry instance with Iron Foundry extensions. It’s a little long, since I’ve mostly *not edited* it. The instructions have been available for a while but I thought, why not make a video and publish it. In the very near future we’re going to start laying out specifics on how to install individual elements of Cloud Foundry and Iron Foundry. We’ll also be providing deeper detail of exactly what these parts do, what is needed, and how to scale a non-micro environment.

Cloud Foundry + Iron Foundry from Adron Hall on Vimeo.

Cloud Foundry + Iron Foundry for a full framework list of options. This video shows the steps to get a Cloud Foundry Micro instance up and running, then get an Iron Foundry instance up and running, connect them and then view a full list of frameworks.

NOTE: This video is barely edited, so it is a little long because everything is mostly done in real time.

This shows how easy this really is. If you’re using any other PaaS software, especially if you’re trying to setup local development environments, I’d love to hear about your processes and also any ideas on how we could make this process easier. In the near future I want to put together a video showing Stackato too. They have a nice offering to get a similar environment setup with more UI elements, making it a bit easier to keep track of all the applications and such.